Kingston COVID Policy
Risk Assessment for Crack Comedy at the Ram Jam
Venue Setup
Capacity. Normal venue capacity is 60 seated customers. With allowing for One Meter + between bubbles capacity is 32 with 22 seats with tables that allow pre-show dining and 10 seats without tables.
Ventilation. The air ventilator will remain on at all times before and during the show.
Customers will enter following the venue one-way system
Queueing will be limited and with two meter distancing
Customer Interaction
1. Tickets
Tickets will only be sold online via
Will be sold in two’s and four’s and six’s with customers accepting Terms and Conditions of the COVID policy
Information from tickets will be retained for Track and Trace and provided to the venue
Tickets will be limited to 32 (usual capacity 60)
Customers will be asked to not attend the event if they feel any symptoms of COVID-19 and will be permitted to reschedule to attend at a future date
2. Arrival
Dining customers will be requested to arrive by 7pm
Non-dining customers will be requested to arrive by 8pm
The box office area will be outside of the performance space (Ram Jam)
No door sales will be permitted.
Masks will be provided for any customers who did not bring their own
3. Seating
Reserved seating is arranged with One Meter + with customers all facing the stage area. Only customers dining (pre-show) in the same bubble may face each other while eating.
Customers will be reminded that they must stay in their reserved seats.
Table service will be provided for food and drink.
4. Mask policy
Masks must be worn by customers at all times during the show
Exception for eating prior to show start
Customers who refuse to wear a mask will be asked to leave, unless they have made prior arrangement to not wear a mask for medical reasons.
5. Breaks and toilets
There will be two breaks for using the toilet
Encouraged to use both the ground floor toilet and the upstairs toilet areas.
Breaks will be 20 minutes long to allow for time for queues at toilets.
6. Dining
Arrival for 7pm in designated dining seats.
Meals will be requested to be pre-order
Last orders for food will be 7.45pm so that all food can be consumed by the time the show starts at 8.30pm.
7. Smoking
Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking area at the front of the Grey Horse
Customers must observe the one-way system to exit and return to the Ram Jam
8. Cleanliness
Sanitiser will be available and customers will be requested to sanitize their hands at the box office
9. Information
Information on this policy is on, confirmed in the booking policy and will be published onsite.
Venue responsibilities
Staff safety
The Grey Horse and Ram Jam have their own risk assessment and COVID-19 policies that all staff are to follow
General cleaning and other requirements
The Grey Horse and Ram Jam have their own risk assessment and COVID-19 policies that all staff are to follow regarding toilets, food and beverage service and other issues as required
Performance/Show manager safety
1. Show manager
Show manager will be stationed at box office outside of Ram Jam
Show manager will wear a mask throughout the shift and have hand sanitizer at work station
Show manager will not handle cash
2. Performers
There will be a designated area for performers before the show with space for two meters social distancing
Each performer will have their own mic and stand on the night
Performers are permitted to provide their own microphone if it is SM58 or equivalent
Performers will be asked not to be on stage at the same time, the MC will leave the stage and the act will go onstage. At the end of their set the act will leave the stage and the MC will call the break, not using the same microphone
There will be hand sanitiser in the ‘green room’ space
There should be no physical contact between performers, including handshaking
Markings on the stage will show a line so that performers remain two meters from front row
Any performers who have symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately inform Crack Comedy and their and they will be rescheduled for another performance
The MC should encourage applause to bring acts on stage instead of cheering